Queen of the Hill


ATTN COACHES: Pick up your weekend awards on
SATURDAY MORNING at the ballfield.

September 6th – 7th

MIDU = Maidu Regional Park
ATLP = Antelope Park
FREE = Freedom Park
SCC = Sacramento Sports Complex

 South Bay
PSC = Pleasanton Sports Complex

 East Bay: 10U & 12U
WSCP = Worth Shaw Community Park    ANTIOCH

Age / Class: 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U
Cost: 10U – $525 / 12U – 18U $625
Bay Area:  10U – $575 / 12U – 18U $675

Contact Information:
Email: astlanceoliver@gmail.com


Special Requests or Questions:
Email Lance: astlanceoliver@gmail.com








RULES Queen of the Hill
RULES – Queen of the Hill
                                        Queen of the Hill Special Rules
We will be bringing in the Fences/Cones closer, to allow extra Home Runs.
The Cones are used as an invisible fence on fly balls & line drives. But not on ground balls.
Balls hit over the cones on the fly or line drives will be declared a home run.
Ground Balls that roll past the cones will play live.
UMPIRES will make judgement calls, as we have no instant replay!
Arguing of home runs is not allowed before/during/or after.
Balls that are not caught close to the cones, will be declared a HOME RUN (when in doubt).
Balls that are caught close to the cones will be declared an OUT(when in doubt).
Please keep the game fun for the players/coaches/parents/umpires. Be happy for the opposing kids who hit home runs.
NO COMPLAINING or you will be ejected! Be happy for the opposing kids who hit home runs.
After each home run hit the Coach must get the Home Run card from the umpire
Players need to turn in each home run card they are awarded after the game to the Tournament Director booth
It is the Coaches responsibility to follow up on each home run after each game
Parents should not contact anyone, only the coaches can follow up after each game
Parents please do not approach the TD, only coaches are allowed to ask questions
   Fences Distances about:
16/18U-Cones at about 180′
14U Cones at  about 160′
12U Cones at about 140′
10U Cones at about 130′
(1) New bat will be awarded in each age division for the top home run hitter.
*In the event of a tie, there will be other awards instead.
ALL TEAMS receive a GOLDEN GLOVE Award & DIRTY GIRL Award.  (Coaches discretion to hand them out)




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